
Why Your Small Business Needs Content

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When you’re running a small business, it’s easy to think you don’t need to create content.

There is no time. There are no resources. My team can’t do it. My business is not digital.

The list of excuses is endless.

But when your goal is to grow your company, generate leads, reach more people and increase revenue, content is critical.

Think about it: what is the first thing you do when looking for information? Exactly. Googling it. Your target audience will do the same.

They will search for their problem and find ways to solve it. But if you don’t show up, how can you get across their radar?

These are the 3 main reasons you MUST create content for your business.


3 Reasons for Creating Content

1) Content Builds Authority

Content allows you to showcase your expertise and show what sets your company apart from others.

No need to show your credentials. Your content does that for you.

And if you want to be a leader in your niche, you need to build that reputation and authority. And content sets the stage for all of this to happen in auto-pilot.

There’s no other way around this one – if you’re serious about growing your company, start writing content today.


2) Content Builds Relationships

When you publish content about your niche, you’re getting closer to your prospects. You’re showing them solutions, you’re offering them value, and you’re building relationships.

So, next time you hop into a cold call with a client, the relationship won’t be so cold.

Why? Because they are much more familiar with your business and solution after reading your content.

And they recognize you gave them value first. Rather than getting into the sales call without any context first.


3) Content Gets you Sales

Once you’ve got that authority and the relationships, it’s time to convert.

What is the primary goal of every business owner? To get more customers and bring in revenue. Content can help with this too.

Think about your ideal customer – what questions do they have? What does their day look like? How will you solve their problems?

Now, write content that’s targeted at these questions and challenges. And then share it on your website, social media profiles, and email list.

You’ve just given them enough information to move forward with you.

This is how content helps you get customers knocking on your door instead of the other way around.


Do you want to run your small business successfully?

You must create content. Your website has to be more than just a place where customers can order or get in touch – it needs to be an engaging experience that connects with potential customers.

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